Veggie Sushi Rolls

I was never a fan of sushi before I moved to the big state of Texas. A few ex co-workers of mine at one of my corporate positions, introduced me to sushi, but I still had my reservations. I had the wrong mindset, since I thought there weren’t many vegetarian friendly options. I am still reluctant to say there is a wide range of plant-friendly options, but a vegan/vegetarian won’t be starved. Ever since that experience, I acquired a fond liking for vegetarian sushi, along with the array of appetizer options. I’m still not a big fan of wasabi, but sushi won’t be the same without it’s counterparts or condiments.

I bought seaweed paper and bamboo roller, late last year but never got an opportunity to use them. I decided it was way over due and definitely another cuisine I can add to my specialty (thank you COVID), since we don’t go out to eat anymore. I hope you get a chance to try it and once you do, you will realize how easy it is.

Veggie Sushi Rolls

Course: Wholesome MealsDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 1 cup sushi rice

  • 1 Tbsp sugar

  • 2-1/2 Tbsp rice wine vinegar

  • 3-4 Nori/seaweeds sheets

  • 1 carrot cut into thin sticks

  • 1 avocado, cut into tiny pieces

  • 1 box shiitake mushrooms, cut thinly (optional to stir fry in soy sauce)

  • Handful of fresh spinach

  • 1/2 cucumber cut into thin sticks

  • Salt to taste

  • Bamboo matt to help roll


  • Cook the rice as per the instructions and mix sugar, rice wine vinegar and salt, while it is still hot.
  • Optional step; stir fry mushrooms with soy sauce and let it cool.
  • Place the nori sheet on top of the bamboo matt.
  • Evenly cover the entire sheet with the sticky rice.
  • Line the veggies one below the other in one straight line.
  • Using the bamboo matt tightly roll the nori sheet and push all the ingredients together, so that they stick together. This part was tricky and I recommend watching a few videos before hand.
  • Evenly cut the log into bite size pieces.
  • Serve with wasabi and pickled ginger.

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