Tag: Vegan

Vegan Tea Cookies

Thanks to my husband, I am a recent addict of chai in small doses. It’s our time to ease from the hustle of the busy work day and take a breather, usually right before our evening walk. What better way, than to have a sweet treat to go with a […]

Nutty Granola

Another home-made staple I am adding to my weekly routine is this recipe for granola. I made my first batch last week and I definitely should have increased the quantity, because it was gone in a jiffy. Great for all ages and so nutritious Pop these in a big bowl […]

Easy Almond Milk

If you are anything like me and survived the first few weeks of healthy eating–New Year’s resolution, let me be the first to congratulate you. They say it takes a month to create a habit and the finish line is in sight. Continuing on my healthy journey, this year, I […]

Veggie Sushi Rolls

I was never a fan of sushi before I moved to the big state of Texas. A few ex co-workers of mine at one of my corporate positions, introduced me to sushi, but I still had my reservations. I had the wrong mindset, since I thought there weren’t many vegetarian […]

Vegan Spring Roll

My husband loves Vietnamese food and what better way than to figure out how to make a few classics? I love ordering the Vietnamese spring rolls as an appetizer, it’s light and healthy, far better than the deep fried ones. I wanted to recreate these as a weekday snack or […]

Vegan Chocolate Almond Cookies

I recently discovered aquafaba (chickpea water) as an egg substitute and I couldn’t wait to work my hands into some goodies. I know what you are thinking, “ewww, chickpea water?” Honestly, the water is so diluted, you can’t even taste an ounce of chickpeas. Using aquafaba as a binding ingredient […]